Tuesday, April 07, 2020
Meditation: A remedial to improve quality of life
Meditation: A remedial to improve quality of life
With the benefits of meditation the term meditation become popular in world. The popularity of meditation is touching the sky day by day as more people came to know about its benefits.
It is a process of making your thoughts clear and trains your mind to be focused at particular direction. It may help you to increase yourself awareness to the surrounding. It is the best way to reduce your total day stress and develop your mind concentration level. Factors like pain, tolerance, good and healthy sleep, positive mood, self discipline, outlook etc can be developed in the people through the regular practice of this exercise. There are number of benefits of meditation from which some are discussing below:
1) Reduce stress: The one of the most solid only reason why people try meditation is to reduce stress. In a study including over 4000 adult showed that the stress reduction is the major benefit concerned with the regular practice of meditation. Stress hormone called cortisol gets increased due to mental and physical stress. This may lead to much harmful effect on the body such as release of inflammation- promoting chemicals called cytokines. This effect can contribute to fatigue and cloudy thinking, increase blood pressure, promote depression and anxiety and also can disrupt sleep.
2) Control anxiety: If you are in less stress that means you have less anxiety. A two month study of mindfulness meditation helped participants to reduce their anxiety level. Most participants continued practicing regular meditation for some period and maintained lower anxiety levels over the long time.
3) Promotes emotional health: Some types of meditation may also help to improve self image and more positive outlook of life. Two studies of mindfulness meditation found decreased in the level of depression in over 4,500 adults. A study relates activity between the brains of participant those who perform mindfulness meditation over a period and the brains of others who perform regular schedule without meditation. Those who meditated results measurable changes in activity in real life areas related to positive thinking and optimism.
4) Enhance self awareness: A stronger understanding of yourself and to grow at your best level can be developing by practicing some form of meditation.
5) May reduce age related memory loss: you can keep your mind young by improvement in attention and clarity in thinking.
6) Lengthen Attention Span: Meditation is like a weight lifting for your attention span. As long as u keep continue with this practice your attention will increase. A study showed that people who regularly practiced mindfulness meditation stayed focused on a task for longer. These people also remembered details of their tasks better than their peers who did not practice meditation.
7) Can Generate Kindness: Some kind of meditation can gradually increase positive feelings towards each aspect and actions toward yourself and others. A type of meditation named as, Metta or loving-kindness meditation help in producing kind thoughts and positive feeling towards other.
8) May help Fight Addiction: The Addictive behaviour of human can also controlled as meditation can help in develop the mental discipline and provide break in your unnecessary dependencies.