
Showing posts with label COMPUTER SCIENCE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label COMPUTER SCIENCE. Show all posts

Saturday 21 March 2020

Saturday, March 21, 2020

The Advent Of IT In The 21st Century

Information Technology is widely used in the field of business and computing. While referring to various types of computer-related work, people generally use such words, which sometimes lead to their incorrect meaning.

What does Information Technology actually means?
Information Technology (IT) means the use of computer system for Processing, Storing, Retrieving, Securing and Exchanging the information It also involves use of storage, networking, electronic data and infrastructure of other physical devices.
In the 1958 article in Harvard Business Review, Information Technology has been referenced, including following three basic parts:
1.    Computational Data Processing
2.    Business Software
3.    Decision Support

Information Technology refers to the relation with the computing technology, such as networking, hardware, software, internet, or people working with these technologies.
Mostly companies now have their IT departments for managing their business computers, networks, and other technical areas. IT jobs have multiple fields like in network administration, computer engineering, web development, technical support, and many other businesses related work.

In the coming decades, many corporations have created so-called "IT departments" to manage their business-related computer technologies. Whatever these departments did, it became the real definition of Information Technology, which has evolved over time. Today, IT departments have emerged following responsibilities in these areas:
·        Computer technology support
·        Business Computer Network and Database Administration
·        Business software deployment
·        Information security

Especially during the 1990's dot com boom, Information Technology was also associated with aspects of computing outside the owners of IT departments. This broad definition of IT includes such areas:
1.    Application Software development
2.    Computer system architecture
3.    Project management

Issues and Challenges of Information Technology
Since the capabilities of computing systems continue to expand throughout the world, data overload has become an increasingly important issue for many IT professionals. To produce useful Business intelligence and efficient processing of large amounts of data requires mass processing power, sophisticated software along with human analytical skills.
Teamwork and communication skills have also played vital role for most businesses to manage the complexity of the IT system. Different IT professionals have their responsibility for providing the service to those business users who are not trained in computer networking or other information technology, yet they are interested in using IT to perform their job efficiently.
System and network security issues are a major concern for many business executives because any security event can potentially harm a company's reputation and cause to spend a large amount of money.

Growth In Information Technology Jobs

Information Technology, or IT, describes any technology that empowers or energizes storage, processing, and information flow within an organization. Any IT related to computers, software, networks, intranets, web sites, servers, databases, and telecommunication falls below.

The demand for IT professionals is very high. From 2004 to 2014, it has been estimated that 1.3 million jobs will be opened in the IT sector. This is an increase of 31 percent in the IT job market. And the average initial salary for computer science, electrical engineering and information science chief is $ 50,000.



Saturday, March 21, 2020


Cloud refers to the applications which we use through internet and these are available  as infrastructure, software and platform as service and the end user have no need to worry about the maintenance , service provider will manage all these things. 

Cloud computing is growing day by day since Amazon has started giving the service to public. Cloud is an on-demand network access to the resources where management of hardware and security of the data is the responsibility of cloud providers. From a “Right scale” survey it has been concluded that 96% of the organizations have been using cloud in different ways. It brings a big advantage to companies but adoption of cloud is not an easy job.


Cloud Computing gives so many advantages to firms but data privacy is the main issue. The various  issues are security, availability and integrating with IT and the ability to customize the data. Investigation of  the challenges and security issues are vital to a success of cloud computing deployment models such as private cloud, public cloud and hybrid cloud.

During the past few years, the security concern is the main thing that affect the adoption of cloud services. The challenges were no longer are on technical issue but management issues also such as how to control and become an expert in cloud spending. It is very much clear that private, public and hybrid gives us a different level of how to control the hardware/software  and achieve flexibility for better management of the services.

Related Work:

There are three different standardized architecture for cloud  mentioned above Infrastructure as service(IAAS), platform as service(PAAS) and Software as service(SAAS). SaaS has the minimal control over the IT system than other architectures and remaining two have greater control. It is an on demand and pay to use service like monthly , quarterly or yearly service. Users can gain the authority  to access the services whereas service providers have to manage the infrastructure and the platform they are providing to the various organizations to run their non-critical business.

The applications has been created by using some programming languages and have used various tools supported by the cloud provider. The users can implement their own application because the service provider are providing platform as service so that users can run their own software and utilize  it to take benefit in business. The speed of internet is the biggest aspect of cloud computing since it is totally dependent on it. Access to cloud service is based on internet only without this it is of no use.

Analysis and Discussion:

Cloud is having various characteristics so that it can allow as to use the remote provisioning of IT resources and they are scalable too. Before the adoption of cloud , Grid Computing similar to
It which offers shared computations and storage of data over a long distance but unable to give software environment.

Amazon is leading cloud provider and followed by Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud.  



Wednesday 1 January 2020

Wednesday, January 01, 2020

How Bitcoin Works?

Bitcoin may be a Digital Currency that we are able to decision web Currency within the Common Language.We can not store this currency in our house or in our wallet because it is not a kind of note or a coin. Therefore, you can use bitcoins just online.

Bitcoin may be a redistributed means, meaning there is no Authority, Government or any bank to control this currency.
It works on Peer To Peer Network Base and bitcoin users believe this is a currency.

History of Bitcoin

It works on Peer To Peer Network Base. And bitcoin users believe this is a currency.
In this means, it has become a global currency.
Bitcoin was invented by Santoshi Nakomoto in the year 2009, and since then it has become quite popular Currency.

How much is Bitcoin

If you talk about the value of bitcoin, the price of 1 bitcoins in today's date (January 2017) is approximately 70,000 Indian Currency. It is not that if you wish to shop for bitcoin, you will have to buy 1 bitcoin only.

Actually, the littlest unit of bitcoin is Santoshi and one bitcoin = ten,00,00,000 (million) is Santoshi.
As in Indian Currency, there is 1 rupee = 100 paise. By itself, 10 million Santoshi constitute a bitcoins.
I mean you'll be able to break 1-bit cake to eight decimals.
You can also use 0.0001 bitcoin.

How to buy bitcoin

Well, there are many ways to buy bitcoin: 

  • You can buy bitcoin from your local currency.
  • By selling or selling any service or anything, you can take a bitcoin instead of that thing.
  • Apart from this, you can earn Bitcoin with the help of a website or also on some other application.

What is a bitcoin miner?

Before knowing about the mining, let us tell you that there is a limitation of printing in every country, and there is also a limit to making bitcoins. And the limitation is that there can not be more than 21 million bitcoins in the market, and if you talk about it now, there is about 13 million Bitcoin in the market, then there are new bitcoins that come through the mining.

What is Bitcoin Mining?

Suppose you have sent some bitcoin to someone. To verify this process of sending and verifying those who are called Miners. Those who have High Power Computer And verify Bitcoin Transaction from these computers.

What are the advantages of Bitcoin?

  • Bitcoin exchanges make lesser fees.
  • Bitcoin will sell or purchase something within the world.
  • That too without any hassle.

  • You can do long run Investment in it as a result of the bitcoin is increasing within the records to date.
  • The government does not monitor you in Bitcoin.

What is the harm of Bitcoin?

There is no management Authority, Bank, or any Government, due to which its cost is less.
If your Bitcoin Account gets hacked then you'll be able to not take a Bitcoin Baps and Government won't assist you in any means.

Thursday 26 December 2019

Thursday, December 26, 2019



Scientific computing has traditionally required the highest performance, yet domain experts have largely moved to slower dynamic languages for daily work. We believe there are many good reasons to prefer dynamic languages for these applications, and we do not expect their use to diminish. Fortunately, modern language design and compiler techniques make it possible to mostly eliminate the performance trade-off and provide a single environment productive enough for prototyping and efficient enough for deploying performance-intensive applications. The Julia programming language fills this role: it is a flexible dynamic language, appropriate for scientific and numerical computing, with performance comparable to traditional statically-typed languages.
Because Julia's compiler is different from the interpreters used for languages like Python or R, you may find that Julia's performance is intuitive at first. Once you understand how Julia works, it's easy to write code that's nearly as fast as C.
Julia features optional typing, multiple dispatch, and good performance, achieved using type inference and JIT, implemented using LLVM. It is multi-paradigm, combining features of imperative, functional, and object-oriented programming. Julia provides ease and expressiveness for high-level numerical computing, in the same way as languages such as R, MATLAB, and Python, but also supports general programming. To achieve this, Julia builds upon the lineage of mathematical programming languages, but also borrows much from popular dynamic languages.
The most significant departures of Julia from typical dynamic languages are:
  • The core language imposes very little; Julia Base and the standard library is written in Julia itself, including primitive operations like integer arithmetic
  • A rich language of types for constructing and describing objects, that can also optionally be used to make type declarations
  • The ability to define function behavior across many combinations of argument types via multiple dispatch
  • Automatic generation of efficient, specialized code for different argument types
  • Good performance, approaching that of statically-compiled languages like C
Although one sometimes speaks of dynamic languages as being "typeless", they are definitely not: every object, whether primitive or user-defined, has a type. The lack of type declarations in most dynamic languages, however, means that one cannot instruct the compiler about the types of values, and often cannot explicitly talk about types at all. In static languages, on the other hand, while one can – and usually must – annotate types for the compiler, types exist only at compile time and cannot be manipulated or expressed at run time. In Julia, types are themselves run-time objects, and can also be used to convey information to the compiler.
While the casual programmer need not explicitly use types or multiple dispatch, they are the core unifying features of Julia: functions are defined on different combinations of argument types, and applied by dispatching to the most specific matching definition. This model is a good fit for mathematical programming, where it is unnatural for the first argument to "own" an operation as in traditional object-oriented dispatch. Operators are just functions with special notation – to extend addition to new user-defined data types, you define new methods for the + function. Existing code then seamlessly applies to the new data types.
Partly because of run-time type inference (augmented by optional type annotations), and partly because of a strong focus on performance from the inception of the project, Julia's computational efficiency exceeds that of other dynamic languages, and even rivals that of statically-compiled languages. For large scale numerical problems, speed always has been, continues to be, and probably always will be crucial: the amount of data being processed has easily kept pace with Moore's Law over the past decades.
Julia aims to create an unprecedented combination of ease-of-use, power, and efficiency in a single language. In addition to the above, some advantages of Julia over comparable systems include:
  • Free and open source
  • User-defined types are as fast and compact as built-ins
  • No need to vectorize code for performance; DE vectorized code is fast
  • Designed for parallelism and distributed computation
  • Lightweight "green" threading
  • Unobtrusive yet powerful type system
  • Elegant and extensible conversions and promotions for numeric and other types
  • Efficient support for Unicode
  • Call C functions directly (no wrappers or special APIs needed)
  • Powerful shell-like capabilities for managing other processes
  • Lisp-like macros and other metaprogramming facilities

Julia in a Nutshell:

Julia is fast!
Julia was designed from the beginning for “High Performance” Julia programs compile to efficient native code for multiple platform via LLVM.

Julia is Dyna, feels like a scripting language, and has good support for interactive use.

Optionally typed
Julia has a rich Language with rich datatype , and type declarations can be used to clarify and solidify programs.


Julia uses multiple dispatch  as a paradigm, making it easy to express many object-oriented & Procedural oriented programming patterns.

Easy to use
Julia has high level syntax, making it an accessible language for programmers from any background or experience level.

Open source
Its open source & easily Learn Language.


Data Visualization and Plotting
Data visualization has a complicated history. Plotting software makes trade-offs between features and simplicity, speed and beauty, and a static and dynamic interface. Some packages make a display and never change it, while others make updates in real-time.

Interact with your Data
The Julia data ecosystem lets you load multidimensional datasets quickly, perform aggregations, joins and preprocessing operations in parallel, and save them to disk in efficient formats.

Scalable Machine Learning
Julia provides powerful tools for deep learning , Machine Learning  Mand AI.

Rich Ecosystem for Scientific Computing
Julia is designed from the ground up to be very good at numerical and scientific computing. This can be seen in the abundance of scientific tooling written in Julia, such as the state-of-the-art differential equations ecosystem

Monday 2 December 2019

Monday, December 02, 2019

Internet Of Things (IoT)

Internet of Things(IoT) may be a network of different objects embedded with physical devices, vehicles, home appliances and physics, software, sensors, actuators, and property, that permits objects to attach to every other and exchange of data.

Convenience and time savings

As you might have understood, the Internet of Things is the beginning of an era in which sensible tools will fulfill your every need ahead of time. In the above example of a car parked on its own, the car's system connects with parking equipment and finds the empty space there and takes the car to the spot by looking at the building's map.
Using the ability to go around it, the car stays in that empty space. In this example, the tools demonstrated the ability to get information from the Internet, its direction and work from other devices.

Friendly Technology

Anyone with the help of IOT can connect your home appliances together with the help of the internet so that you can handle those devices from anywhere, you can only take advantage of this technique when your mobile and device's IP These devices are connected with the address.

Application Of IOT

Smart House
Smart Home is a part of the IOT. You must have heard about it. All the tools in the smart home are connected to the internet and which are handled by the sensor. By this sensor, you can use your house door, AC, house heating etc. You can control if you have left the door of your house open and have a sensor on that door, then it will stop automatically after a while and you will be able to get this information sent to your phone.
Nest Smart Thermostat

It is a Thermostat that is connected to the Internet. It maintains the temperature of your home. Thermostat cools and heats the home automatically. If you live outside of the house then it will change your temperature and the problem of heating and cooling. It also gives you permission to receive Alert when it is done.

How IOT Works

If a person wants to reach home before he gets his AC on and his room cools till he gets to his house then it can happen that you can turn on AC with the help of IOT and stop the AC running if it is in the running mode.
Anyone with the help of IOT can connect your home appliances together with the help of the internet so that you can handle those devices from anywhere, you can only take advantage of this technique when your mobile and device's IP These devices are connected with the address. So really IOT is our future.

Sunday 1 December 2019

Sunday, December 01, 2019

Stephen Hawking's Horror Prediction

The great scientist Stephen Hawking predicted that human civilization could be ended if humans were not able to settle on the new and different planets in the next 200 decades. This was the most shocking news in the world. Stephens Hawking was a visionary thinking personality and he had already anticipated the future threats. Hawking has said these statement because somewhere aliens are also looking for the favorable condition for their life.
Image result for Aliens images

Earth the best planet

Earth is such type of planet in the solar family in which there is every need available to run the life such as the air, water & natural resources and other beneficial resources etc. Due to which the earth is the best suitable planet for the aliens besides humans.
Image result for Earth Images
On the other hand, these basic features are not available on other planets. We know that the human's capabilities are negligible in front of aliens. Aliens are none other than the ancestors of human beings. That means aliens are the future humans but the present humans of the earth are nothing in technology in the comparison of alien's technology.
Image result for Alien technology images
 Modern human civilization is similar to insects in front of aliens this is the real fact. These aliens would crush human beings in future and snatch us from our life-giving earth. So this is the time for thinking on the Stephen Hawking statement.

Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO)

You have heard about the UFOs in any corner of the world. The UFO means the unidentified flying objects also known as the spaceship of aliens. That means the aliens come to the earth with their spaceships. These spaceships are designed according to high technology, which is not yet present on the earth.
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Obviously, it will look strange and we have given it the name UFOs.
But the main technology behind these UFOs that it can travel with the speed of lights which of 3 Lakh km/s and the technology on the earth does not wander around it. It may be true about the news of UFOs and even wrong but it is our duty to rescue the earth from the early warning of aliens. Earth is our own property and it is our duty to protect it, we have to do anything for it.
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The founder of SpaceX Elon Musk has also presented a number of effective suggestions to settle the humans on Mars planet so that the human civilization will safe and secure.
Image result for spacex elon musk
SpaceX is working on this kind of way that how to complete Human settlement on Mars. But still it is to be a milestone, if not today or tomorrow,
Image result for spacex elon musk
 we have to think about the settlement of human habitations on other planets because it is mandatory for our earth's security.